The Kitchen Auf der Höhe, 2013 -

Project Space and Publishing House, Arlesheim, Switzerland

visit the kitchen!  arrow-white

I run a project space gallery and publishing house out of my kitchen with my partner Johannes. We live on Auf der Höhe street in Arlesheim Switzerland where people come to visit us from all over the world on their way to the Goetheanum, a large sculpture of organic architecture by the Austrian philosopher and artist Rudolf Steiner. It sits on the hill above our house.

Kitchen-72dpiDrawing by Arnjel Ruud


It is our goal to create events that move people to develop a heightened sense of awareness through art and thought.


We collaborate with artists who are working with questions of matter, soul and spirit. This work is very personal and we try to develop and deepen intimate relationships with the artists we work with and the public that comes to our events.

We have curated 8 exhibits and are in the process of publishing our second book. For each of our exhibits  we have hosted one to four interactive events for 12 – 40 people.  On Sundays the gallery is available for visits and coffee by appointment.


Through our work we hope to help keep an intimate independent and international art scene alive.